2nd October-Gandhi Jayanti, International Non-Violence Day
About 1,460 NSS Students from 76 colleges of University of took the pledge to work for peace and non-violence on the occasion of International Non-Violence Day
“I shall endeavor to resolve all differences through dialogue and constitutional means and I shall strive to establish WORLD-PEACE…”, about 1,460 students of N.S.S. Unit, from 76 colleges of University of Mumbai joined hands with the millions of people all over the world and took the PLEDGE on 2nd October - International Non-Violence Day.
To commemorate 140th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and the International Non-Violence Day as declared by United Nations, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, N.S.S. Unit of University of Mumbai and World March for Peace and Non-Violence had jointly organized the mega event at Convocation Hall, University of Mumbai, Fort Campus.
The main theme of this programme was to raise awareness of non-violence, tolerance, full respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, democracy, development, mutual understanding and respect of diversity among the young generation.
Students carrying play-cards and banners depicting slogans like ‘No More Violence, Peace is our Mission’ marched from Churchgate & CST stations and gathered at the Convocation Hall, University of Mumbai, Fort Campus.
The Programme started with Gandhi bhajans & peace songs followed by the speeches of Dr. Chandra Krishnamurthy, Hon. Ag. Vice Chancellor & Prin. K. Venkatramani, Registrar of University of Mumbai. All the invitees emphasized students for promoting peace, truth and non-violence which is the need of the hour. The programme ends with the Pledge to work for peace & non-violence taken by the entire gathering which was administrated by Dr. P. N. Pabrekar, SLO, NSS Cell, Government of Maharashtra and with National Anthem.
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