Thursday, 31 December 2009

The most well-meaning New Year resolutions!

The most well-meaning New Year resolutions!
ARADHANA V BHATNAGAR31 December 2009, 12:00am IST

Are resolutions made each year only to be broken even before one can say Jack Robinson? Even though the spirit is willing, daily pressures and
circumstances make it difficult for people to adhere to them. We take a look at the ones that are loaded with good intentions...

The last two days of the year are always a little heavy for me. Looking back, I can’t help but feel ‘this will never come back again in my life’. Now whether ‘this’ was a good one or not-so-good is another story, but yes I do feel, like many countless others, that this year I will endeavour to be a better person – change that one irritating trait of mine or take on a brand new ‘good habit’.

The Oxford dictionary defines the word ‘resolution’ as a firm determination to carry out a thought. It is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming of a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous.

In the New Year everyone comes up with one resolution which they hope to carry forward. They somehow go through a month, but come March, it’s all forgotten and the bad habits are back to being a topic of dinner conversation.

Let 2010 be different! Set a precedent and ensure you and your children, if any, make a resolution and stick by it.

Here are some resolutions which are the most well-meaning:

- Self related: To be more forgiving; organised; helpful; less temperamental; patient.

- Health related: To stop drinking and smoking; lose weight; give up junk food and colas.

- Finance related: To save money, not buy on impulse.

- Career related: To not job hop frequently, be more diligent, accommodating.

- Family related: To visit parents, aunts often, express love.

- Home related: To spring clean regularly, not hoard.

- Environment related: To save water, power and plant trees.


Wednesday, 30 December 2009

New Year's prayer and meditation for peace

"Many of the great religions of the world believe that when groups of people come together to pray and meditate it has a powerful, positive and cohesive affect on the environment.

All of us are too aware that we live in troubled times - from crime in our neighborhoods to the breakup of many families to tension in the family of Nations. Too often we feel helpless - that we do not possess the tools or the talents to solve these problems.

Here is a wonderful opportunity for us all to come together for the greater good for ourselves, our families, our nation, and for all life on this planet."

The following is a sample prayer but please feel free to create your own prayer as an individual or as a family or pick a prayer that you find personally meaningful.

How to Create a Prayer:

A prayer starts with Praise toward the Creator of the Universe.

Now is the time to ask the Creator of the Universe for what is important to you, your family, your nation and the world.

Next, it is good to give thanks to the Creator of the Universe.

Finally, give Praise to the Creator of the Universe.

Sample Prayer:

Dear God-

Praised are You who created the universe.

Thank You for giving me and my family life. Thank You Dear God for creating such glorious beauty in this world and thank You for giving me the ability to appreciate Your creation.

Please Dear God, I humbly ask You to shine Your love on me, my family and all people and may Your love bring perfect holiness, perfect health and peace, peace in my heart and soul, peace in my family, peace in my nation, and peace in the entire world.

Please Dear God, help me to know my highest purpose and to realize total success. Please grant me wisdom in order to best serve You here on earth.

Please Dear God, forgive me for my shortcomings in the past and help me to walk in Your ways from this day forward.

Thank You God for hearing my prayer and for giving me and all life, holiness, perfect health, peace, wisdom, success, and forgiveness.

Praise You Dear God who loves His creation and brings peace, love and holiness to all life.

May peace prevail on Earth.


Tuesday, 29 December 2009

30 mins of daily workout for a healthier 2010

Just add 30 minutes of physical activity to your daily regime and ensure a healthier 2010, according to an expert.

Peter Brubaker, professor of health and exercise science at Wake Forest University, said that regular daily exercise is the most important step towards a healthier lifestyle.

“People don’t realize you can get tremendous benefit from regular physical activity even if you never lose a pound,” he said.

Increased physical activity could ensure a reduced risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, bone and joint conditions, and sleep apnea.

Brubaker has put forth several tips for how to increase daily physical activity, which are as follows:

Set a goal of 30 minutes a day of physical activity- It doesn’t need to be all at once. Five minutes here, 10 minutes there is fine. As long as it is done at moderate intensity, you will get sufficient health benefits.

Walk- For most people, the easiest and most efficient activity is simply walking.

Wear a pedometer- Recent studies have shown that people wearing pedometers increase their activity level by 25 percent.

Build activity into your daily routine- Get up from your desk to deliver a message. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Add some extra steps when you are doing household chores. Find small ways to get moving.

Record daily physical activity in a journal- Self-monitoring is important when making a lifestyle change and journaling activity levels can be good reinforcement.

Don’t worry so much about weight loss- Realize if you are regularly active you can get significant health benefits even if you never lose a pound. People serious about weight loss should build in 60 minutes per day of physical activity.

Find activities you enjoy and feel good about doing- Try a variety of activities. Variety is good for the body – and the mind.

Get the support of friends and family- Challenge them to add 30 minutes of physical activity to their daily routine and you can hold each other accountable.

Set realistic expectations- There is a risk in building up expectations that you’ll make a change Jan. 1. The biggest obstacle to successful lifestyle change is expectation. People are unrealistic about what they can achieve and how quickly they can achieve it. Any time is a good time to make a commitment to change your life style.

Source: The Times of India